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5. Over time the website will build up with resources you can learn from.

6. Shoot your images over the week.

7. Sunday: Come to Pictr and see an image breakdown of my week.

8. Sunday: Feel free to post your week's images if you'd like feedback or have questions. BUT you don't need to. Go at your own pace.
9. Sunday: Get my weekly letter with a piece of my book, a tutorial, tips and a new challenge.
the phone
While the phone has been important to me in recording these last ten years, it is really the recording of daily life that matters and not the mode. So if you feel at home with any other camera please use that. Using a phone is not a prerequisite.
Curiously however I now only use a phone for my photography. It’s a camera that takes calls for me, much to the annoyance of everyone I know. The phone is exciting for the photography world. For lots of worlds. It has liberated creativity.
That liberation of the everyday person that we all are, is what sparked a light in me.
I’m not even totally sure why. With a background in teaching photography came the knowledge to use any camera I wanted. Why was it that this little guy was the only one I wanted to use? The only one that sparked creativity?
Maybe it’s the limitations? They can force you to think differently. Creativity is many things of course but I think the real purpose of creativity is change. To see and think differently. That’s what art is for right? So we can understand this human condition we find ourselves in, from many points of view.
When only some people are able to express themselves, we only see one point of view.
Or maybe I just like breaking rules and I love the idea of making something highbrow out of something low. Something that’s not a “proper camera”.
One of my favourite people in the world is George Eastman, founder of Kodak. He found a way to empower the everyday person to tell their own stories. He was also supposed to be a nice, cool guy, who was great to work for and gave most of his money away.
He enabled people to record their life from where they stood. With the Kodak Brownie he democratised what was a medium available only to the few.
Can you imagine what history would have been lost, what things we wouldn’t have learned about humanity had he not done that?
Stories have great power to them and getting to be represented on your own terms builds a personal legacy.
So I wanted to see how a year looked in my life…
Then I wanted to see how a year looked in your life too.