frequently asked questions.

CAN YOU START ANYTIME IN THE YEAR or is it too late if you miss the start date?

No you can start anytime at all! The March date is just in order to have some sort of starting point, but anyone can sign up and join in at anytime.
 Some great reason you may undestandilby not want to come a post on Pictr:


No you can use any camera you feel comfortable with! 
I am prioritising phone photography as its very important to me that this project is accessible to anyone and everyone. Not just people who are confident with a camera, or may already be creatives in their everyday work lives. Phone photography has become my speciality in the last ten years and all my images are solely taken and edited on a phone..
 Some great reason you may undestandilby not want to come a post on Pictr:


No you definitely do not have to post your pictures.
I appreciate that not everyone enjoys posting, funny enough that includes me often! That option is just for people who do enjoy it. Posting your images on Pictr on Sunday is just an opportunity for those who would like feedback or just are proud of what they did that week. Just like in a real classroom some people may never want to share and others might slowly share as they gain confidence. It's all good i defiantly don't want this to be a chore or "homewortk".


The project is free and you won't suddenly bumping a pay wall. What I'm getting out of it is the impetus and momentum to wrote my book. Am also hoping to get any feedback from anyone or ideas that may help with that swell as hopefully some comradeship and friends to to share the journey with. 

DO YOU HAVE TO take only four PICTURES a week?

No you take as many picture you like a week. In fact the best way to improve is to take lots and lots of pictures. The four thing just comes into play when your deciding which four to keep as your finals at the end of the week. There will be a weekly challenge andtheme for those who want the guidance. The idea is more to try and incorporate all the four types of images from the recipe as you go about your week. 
So whilst you may take fifty pictures that week, at the end of the week, as you go through them, you pick your four finals as your little story. These four  would include one landscape, one portrait, one detail and one action. 
Then at the end of the month we put these 16 images into a month grid. That then builds as the year progresses into the story off our whole year.