
Remember pressure is the quickest way to squash creativity. Some might say otherwise but that's how I feel. So no pressure to post anything. But you can come over on Sunday and see my weekly image breakdown. 
I'll post my four images of that week and a breakdown of how I found them and why I chose them. I'll also look at what I could have improved on and how I edit them. 
If you enjoy posting please do! Post on Glass and any other social media that you love. Use the hashtag #theunfoldingyear and/or the tag @theunfoldingyear so we can find each other in that big wide social media sea.
I chose Glass as a place where we can all upload without the stresses that come with normal social media. It's a nice kind community where everyone is actively interested in photography. It also has an awesome feature called 'Series' that facilitates you posting a group of evolving images. Perfect for us! I hope you find it easy to use. Only post if you want to. 
On Sunday ou can also ask me any questions on the Unfolding Year Account. Think of it like a little classroom. Just 
You could put in requests for things you want to know, give any suggestions that might improve the project. Maybe ask about things you're stuck on. 


If you do enjoy posting on social media then use this tag so we can find each other!