Option One is to sign up here on the right. This is the free option.
The plan is that you will receive a newsletter every Sunday. In this I'll send you
My weekly image breakdown. Here i will show you how i got on that week. My final four images for the week, what i took, why i picked these four. How i took and edited them and why.
I'll also send you the challenge and promo for the coming week.
2025 Album
This section here is going to be a member area. If you'd like to join it's a nominal fee of £20 for the year long project. From March to March. Being a member would be that i will send you what will essentially be a 52th of a book. That's kind of a funny amount but with 52 weeks in a year I thought that would work.
It will include tips, a tutorial and a cool story about stories. Maybe I'll throw in some history, theory or look at other photographers too. I'll then add all of these resources to the member area of the site as we go so you can refer back to them. The idea is that it will grow as we do.
This project has really three goals.
One is to go on a creative journey to tell the story of our years. With particular emphasis on daily life and photographing and editing on your phone.
Two, is to spend time building photography skills. Skills in technical knowledge and composition. Editing and history. I want to teach you about visual narrative and how to use my recipe for telling a compelling visual story. All It's about finding your style, learning and being left with a modern take on a family album. A visual legacy of 2025/26 that isn't just a photo a day but a curation and telling of your year.
Finally the goal is for me to write my book over this year and send a piece to you every week.
I'll be writing as we go and love any feedback or ideas you have. If you join this members Album section every Sunday I will send that week's section of my book.
Each time it will be themed around the chapter I'm writing and will also include a weekly challenge/ prompt for those that want it.